IS LIFE COACHING a good fit for me?

You've done everything the "right" way, the way you were supposed to, and yet you're still unhappy, lost, and dissatisfied. You feel like nothing you ever do is good enough and that the life you dreamed of is always just outside your grasp. What's crazy is that your life is pretty good and you have no "real" complaints. Your basic needs are met, you've had some career and financial success, and you may have some wonderful people in your life. You may (or may not) have gone to therapy and know all your "issues," but now what? What do you do about them?

Coaching is like hiring a personal trainer, not a doctor. It's not about getting well, it's about maximizing your potential; going from "good" to "GREAT." No one needs a coach, rather they choose coaching to invest in themselves and their future. Coaching requires an investment of time, money, energy and effort. These four investments are designed to push you outside your comfort zone and into your zone of genius where you can live the life that's waiting to be enjoyed. Your happiness isn't on the other side of some goal or accomplishment. It's right here, right now, waiting for you to enjoy it.

While many people enjoy the myriad benefits to coaching and its many styles, Deanna's clients often express similar challenges inwardly and outwardly. Ultimately, they feel stuck in some way and know they are ready for change.

Below is a list of questions you can answer to see if coaching might be a good fit for you. You may find yourself identifying with characteristics from one or any combination of the following personas:


They think success will bring them happiness, not realizing greater happiness brings more success.

  • Do you feel like you've done everything to become "successful" and still aren't happy?

  • Do you feel like your work lacks a sense of purpose or fulfillment?

  • Are you not where you thought you'd be at this point in your life?

  • When you achieve one goal are you already thinking about the next?

  • Are you your worst critic and judge and punish yourself for every mistake?

  • Are you competitive, like being the best at everything you do, and have impossibly high standards?

  • Are you burnt out and exhausted from all the pressure you put on yourself?

  • Are you afraid to fail?

  • Do you project an image of someone who "has it all together" on the outside while you feel like you're falling apart on the inside?

  • Do you have "imposter syndrome" and think someone in your profession will discover you're a "fraud" and don't belong?


They often think they need to do more when, in fact, they need to do less.

  • Do you put others' needs and problems ahead of your own?

  • Do you find it difficult to ask for and receive help?

  • Are you uncomfortable opening up and/or being vulnerable?

  • Do you feel guilty relaxing or taking care of yourself?

  • Do you feel like a burden?

  • Do you care what others think or say about you?

  • Do you question whether or not you're good enough?

  • Is it difficult to love yourself?

  • Do you not know what hobbies or interests would bring you joy?

  • Are you jealous of others who have more fun than you do?


They wait to be ready before they take action even though taking action is what will make them ready.

  • Do you often feel stuck?

  • Have you said to yourself, "There's got to be more than this?"

  • Do you stay settled in safe situations rather than go for what you truly want?

  • Do you trust your head over your heart?

  • Do you want change but have the "what if?" voice running the show and stopping you?

  • Do you live in the regret of the past or anxiety of the future?

  • Do you do what's safe and easy rather than take risks?

  • Do you procrastinate and put off "big" projects? Are you overwhelmed not knowing where to begin?

  • Have you started some of these projects only to lose momentum and start questioning its direction?

  • Do you wish you had someone always on your side to cheer you on, inspire you and help you be the best you can be?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, coaching might be what you've been waiting for!

Contact me or keep reading for more information.


Coaching isn't about fixing yourself or your life. You aren't broken. You are whole, perfect, and complete.  Coaching is not an additive process where you need to continue perpetuating the belief that doing more will make you feel better.  Most of the time it's about doing less and being more.  The process is mostly subtractive in that you will remove the thoughts and feelings that get in the way of experiencing what's available to you. What you'll come to find is the person and life you have been waiting for all along.

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo



  • Experience inner success and greater overall life satisfaction

  • Use your passion and drive to do work that is heartfelt and meaningful

  • Discover what drives and motivates you intrinsically (rather than extrinsically)

  • Shift mindset out of negativity, blame, judgement and criticism

  • Feel the freedom of authentic joy and happiness


  • Discover and define your true life values

  • Know your worth and learn to give to yourself and receive from others

  • Empower yourself to say "no" and maintain your boundaries

  • Develop nourishing self-care practices

  • Bring fun and play back into your life


  • Identify and remove the blocks that stand in the way of progress

  • Overcome doubt, fear, and anxiety to move forward with confidence

  • Remove indecision and learn to trust your instincts

  • Learn to shift and focus your thoughts to positive outcomes

  • Design your life to live into your highest potential

WHAT are my agreements as a coaching client?

  • You commit fully and take 100% responsibility for your own growth and upliftment.

  • You are prepared to invest your resources of time, money, and effort to yield results.

  • You are ready and willing to take steps outside your comfort zone to create change.

  • You come with an open mind and willingness to experiment and try new things.

  • Above all, have FUN and enjoy the amazing life you have!

This work is not for the faint of heart and it will change your life if you let it. All you have to do is show up and play full out.

You get out what you put in 100% of the time.

Scheduling and Pricing

For individual one-on-one coaching, all sessions are held by phone or wifi calling (e.g. WhatsApp, Skype or FaceTime audio), allowing us the freedom to work together from anywhere in the world, including the comfort of your own home or office.

Coaching packages are custom-designed to fit your unique and personal needs. The average beginning client starts with three 50-minute calls per month and continues on a month to month basis for continuous support and growth over time.

Pricing packages average at $667/month and range upwards of $4,997/month.

A portion of all coaching fees are donated to one of our selected heartfelt charities. Each time you invest in yourself, you also help others.

If you’re wondering if you can afford coaching or if you’re worth it, click here to read my story of self-investment.

If you are ready to begin coaching or would like to explore how coaching can help you or your business, we start by having a conversation. We will discuss your goals and how we will work together to achieve the type of life success you desire.

Mission Statement

Our aim is to create competent individuals who infuse their life and work with heart, purpose, and meaning and to positively impact the world.  We educate and inspire individuals to build a career and lifestyle that brings them personal and professional success.  Our clients are encouraged and empowered to be of exemplary body, mind and soul in order to best serve themselves and others.  We lead by example and continuously invest in personal growth and education, physical, mental and emotional well-being, and business development.  Philanthropy is at the heart of our mission and a portion of all income is donated to heartfelt causes.